Ever been T-shirt shopping and wondered to yourself, “You know, I really want to buy a product that shows how much I despise Late Capitalism and its culture of consumption?” Well, then the Empty Signifier T-Shirt I posted to Zazzle is for you!
Buy it immediately.
And, apparently, Zazzle also offers baby and children’s apparel. I slapped my symbol on nearly every product I could find. So why not get one for the little Marxist in your life too?
Each product contains our beautiful corporate-esque logo “literatee by senseshaper” so you can amaze your friends with your sense of style and can be assured that you are not wearing some sort of knock-off.
As our friend Zizek would say,
I will post some more ridiculous “literatee by senseshaper” stuff that will never sell on Zazzle soon. To be perfectly honest, if you sent a kindly worded e-mail, I’d probably just send you the image files so that you could make one yourself.
This venture is doomed from the start.
Gwendolyn Norton says:
I’d like to contact the author of this site with a question regarding one of the images. Is this the best place to do it?
senseshaper@gmail.com says:
Sure. What’s the question?