Since I’m in the process of tweaking the new site and format as well as finalizing revisions on two new posts, I thought I would take a break to share that one of my Medieval Grumpy Cat memes found its way into a Dutch newspaper.
I am also happy to report that Emir O. Filipović has been receiving much deserved recognition for his find. His original image and story has most notably been picked up by both National Geographic and Discovery. Also read Emir’s excellent post on finding the cat paw-print manuscript here. Happy he’s finally getting some acknowledgement for the manuscript pictures he has taken.
Okay, back to website tweaks, broken servers, Othello’s “medicinable gum,” and the early modern visual species.

@Renaissance_Hub says:
My Medieval Grumpy Cat meme made it into a Dutch newspaper! | Shaping Sense (@senseshaper)